
Franco slomo new album
Franco slomo new album

franco slomo new album

He is credited for the success of legendary musicians in the mould of Tongai Moyo, System Tazvida, Leonard Dembo, Paul Matavire, Zexie Manatsa and Nicholas Zacharia.Īnd since his return early last year, he has worked with a number of budding musicians among them Romeo Gasa and Tendai Dembo. Without doubt Nyamhondera’s expertise and creativity helped brand sungura into a highly marketable musical genre. Take away one element and you have a problem.” “Music is a combination of instruments, lyrics and vocals. Yesteryear musicians used to sit down and write sense. But it is on the quality of lyrics and vocals that they are beaten hands down by the previous generation. Instrumentally you cannot differentiate between the two generations. “The guys are playing good tunes, the guitars, drums and keyboards are okay. He said a huge gap exists between the new and old school musicians.īluntly, the veteran producer said the new crop of musicians are incomplete good on sound but pathetic on the microphone. Going forward, Nyamhondera notes there is a lot to be done to improve the quality of music in the country. Macheso’s camp could not be reached for a comment despite frantic efforts by this publication. He has been promising a new album for the past two or so years, but nothing has materialised.

franco slomo new album

His last offering, Kwatakabva Mitunhu (Kure Kwekure), received a lukewarm response.Įvidently Macheso does not have confidence to return to the studio. He was also one of the founders of the now defunct Last Power Media that was co-owned by Macheso and Laston “GP” Murerwa.įollowing Nyamhondera’s departure, Macheso’s work undoubtedly plunged. That will be off the line,” explained Muroyi.Īfrican as music enthusiasts’ call the producer, was Macheso’s producer for a long time before going for a brief stay in the United Kingdom in 2010. He cannot go and produce the artiste(s) at another studio. But the work can only be done at our stable as stated in his contract. “He (Bothwell) is allowed to produce any artiste that comes to him just as he is currently doing. He was, however, evasive on the course of action to be taken should he violate the agreement. But he cannot go to a rival studio(s) and record their artiste(s). The contract states that he can work with any other artiste at the studio (Diamond Studios). Nyamhondera has a five-year contract with Diamond Studios. Honestly it’s rare to have such relations in this industry.” “Nothing, including my contract, is going to stop me from doing business with him. I have been there since the time he recorded his first album and I helped him overcome challenges then. In fact, I helped him set up that band (Orchestra Mberikwazvo) when I was still at Gramma Records. I have worked with the sungura musician from the time he started music. Said Nyamhondera: “Basically my contract does not allow me to work with Macheso.

franco slomo new album

Kasamba has to chant and he tries dancing sometimes but he always comes short.Nyamhondera added that he understands better the troubles that the embattled sungura maestro is going through and in this regard, he said, he would make sure that he “saves him”, regardless of what his contract permits. Franco has to dance and sing so he will get more. He complained about little money from Macheso but one wonders how much Franco will give him for just chanting on seven songs during shows. How good is Slomo at singing? Kasamba can be a backing vocalist but his main talent is chanting. Gomba last week was quoted as saying the instrumentals and most of the vocals are already done and the group was waiting for Slomo to return from Zambia so that he can complete the rest of the singing and it will be all systems go. Jonasi Kasamba, Franco “Slomo” Dhaka, Obert Gomba and Noel Nyazanda used to be with Aleck Macheso’s Orchestra Mberikwazvo and some music fans are already asking if the group will last. “We believe, with the experience we have in the group, we are the best so far, and the energy all the members have exhibited makes us more than ready to claim our deserved share of popularity,” said Franco. On the album Jonasi Kasamba composed three songs namely Amen, Julius and Africa while Franco Dhaka did Amai VaBonnie, Gurajena, Ishe Ndinotenda and Mudiwa Wangu. Orchestra Kwazvose, a break-away group from Orchestra Mberikwazvo, had a show last night at the Aquatic Complex in Chitungwiza where they introduced their debut seven-track album Ndizvo Zviripo. Saturday Leisure Reporter The wait is over!

Franco slomo new album